Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bee's Knees

I had a ton of fun babysitting my grandbabies.
Cute little munchkins (ages 6, 4 & 2) were so good while mom and dad were away.
Whhooooeeee...there is a reason we are not meant to have children when we are in our late 50's.
Most mornings they were up, dressed, and fed by 6 am, and looking for things to do.
Let's just say, I didn't get much sewing done.
I'm home now and back to the normal routine.
Recently, I was invited to join in a quilting bee with some pretty amazing people.
Created by Amy Smart (Diary of a Quilter), and Sherri McConnell (A Quilting Life), there will be 12 ladies working together for 12 months.
Each of us will host a month where we have the other ladies make a block out of our choice of fabrics and pattern.
A blog has been created to showcase our work.
If you would like to see a list of all 12 ladies, you can follow our progress on Bee's Knees.
The darling Sherri McConnell started us out for April.
Sherri mailed each of us 3 fabrics from the Happy Mochi Yum Yum line by Monica of Happy Zombie.
With links to several 12-inch block patterns.
I chose Greek Cross designed by Faith of Fresh Lemon Quilts.
By the way, Faith gives a great free tutorial on how to make the block.
My block has now been happily mailed back to Sherri in Nevada, where she will be receiving 10 more from around the country.
I'll keep you posted on what the Bee's Knees are up to each month.


  1. We always say the same thing after watching the little ones. God is sooooo smart!

    Great block with wonderful fabrics.

  2. So true Nedra! Whew, I'm tired just thinking about it!

    Love that block!


  3. glad you had fun with the grandchildren - I agree though that we are meant in this stage of our lives to play with the kids - take care of them now and then and hand them back to their parents - when I read of such and such star having a child at 50 I think they are just plain nuts and most likely have a nanny to boot.

  4. I love it Nedra!! I need to get mine done. :)

  5. As Grandparents we LOVE to play but yes, we get tired!!

    Your group sounds like a lot of fun, enjoy!

  6. Your group sounds like so much fun!!! I would love to do something like that :) I will be following Bee's Knees. The button and blog are really cute.

  7. I absolutely love your block...this is going to be so much fun...making the blocks and receiving them!
