Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Star Quilt Block

While I was at the cabin, I also got caught up on this month's Blogger's Block of The Month.
Star Quilt Block was designed by fellow Utahn Amy Smart (Diary of A Quilter)
Nice job Amy!
I made two different color ways.
Amy offers a great tutorial over on her blog.
It's never too late to join the Blogger's Block of the Month. Jackie Kunkel of Canton Village Works has created this wonderful Quilt Along, where she has gathered top designers who provide wonderful tutorials each month.
Speaking of the very famous and talented Jackie, she was here in the Phoenix area on Monday, and we met for lunch.
It's always such a treat to see you Jackie!
We talked non-stop about all the wonderful things going on in the quilting world.
I immediately noticed she was wearing shorts and a summer top, and was happy to sit at an outside table.
Best time of year to come to the Southwest and get out of the cold Connecticut temperatures.
Jackie's parents live here during the winter, and I'm sure it's a double plus to be with family and soak up a little bit of Arizona sunshine.


  1. These are beautiful! Love the shot cottons...

  2. I love your fabrics for the blocks. What a treat to meet up with Jackie.
