Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Civil War Bride & Ladies At Sunset

One of the attractions of going to a quilt show is to see the diversity in tastes among quilters.
At the Arizona Quilters Guild show, I noticed two wonderful quilts hung next to each other that provided great contrast.
My Civil War Bride
Made and hand quilted by Janice Hartman
I have noticed so many quilters working on these blocks this last year, represented especially well on Australian blogs.
In fact, many ladies link their progress and follow along on at http://thecivilwarbridequilt.blogspot.com/
Pattern by Corliss Searcey of Threadbear in Australia
I especially like the uniqueness of the elephant block.
Janice wrote that she used Reproduction fabrics gathered over the years.
Silk thread was used for the applique and she hand quilted around each piece.
Hand quilted diagonally in the borders.
I love the fringe on the tablecloth.
You can see why this was an award winner at the show.
Right next to Civil War, in contrast hung Ladies At Sunset, a very modern Southwestern quilt.
Pieced and quilted by Nancy Norrander
Nancy wrote that she made this quilt for her new home in Arizona.
"It represents a very peaceful time of day and a time to reflect."
My eye was drawn to her use of 3-D jewelry.
And flowing skirts.


  1. a friend is making the civil war brides quilt - too much stuff in it for my taste but wow the quilter puts in so much hard work!!
    Shows are great to go to.

  2. Love the one by Nancy...so much work, but oh how lovely

  3. I bought the Civil War Bride quilt pattern thinking it would look great in Kaffe fabrics. Thank you so much for the blog link as it is always inspiring to see how others interpret the same pattern!

  4. I love the 3D on the ladies quilt.

  5. The Civil War Bride quilt is gorgeous. I have 6 blocks made and will get back to it again. Love the other quilts too. Thanks for sharing - hugs Nat

  6. Nedra
    I'm jealous that you got to see all those quilts! I love the Quodlibet one too! Hope all is well. keep upt the great work!
