Sunday, June 26, 2011

Mary Lou and Whimsey Too

One of my favorite blogs to follow is written by designer Mary Lou Weidman.

I love being surrounded by Mary Lou's infectiously happy and positive attitude, including her bright, beautiful and whimsical quilts.

That is why I took special note when she wrote me recently.

We all know that Blogger has had Big Issues lately.

Mary Lou was hit especially hard.

Six years of her blog posts were gone, and all 222 of her followers were lost...zap...deleted...never to be recovered.
O.h. M.y.

So when she wrote me and asked if I would please re-add her NEW blog Mary Lou and Whimsey Too on my side bar, of course I said




Have you seen Mary Lou's book Flower Power?

On my to-do list of quilts I HAVE to make.

Inside there are pages of flowers, butterflies, dragonflies, frogs, vegetables, bugs and...

..and cute bees.
She is famous for her Hoochy Mama Story Quilts (just the name makes me laugh).

Mary Lou teaches workshops in many fabulous locations, including Asilomar in May 2012

She has her own fabric line, chat room, block swaps.

You name it. This lady does it all.

Her latest book Out Of The Box will be released next month, and can be pre-ordered now by going to her web site.

Make sure to add Mary Lou's new blog to your side bar, and add your name to her followers list. She has gone to so much work to recreate what was lost.


  1. Greetings from Tunisia!
    Just found your interesting blog. You can back up your blog on your hard drive by going into the "settings" and clicking on "export blog" under "blog tools". This is the second case of which I've heard. Scary.
    Your list of quilting blogs is great also. Thanks for sharing. As I'm somewhat new to blogland, I appreciate the information.

  2. Thank you so much. I've added Mary Lou to my blog list.

  3. I have not seen Mary Lou's blog before, and I'm happy to go exploring. :D

    What a heartbreak that she lost all that. :( I've got to go export mine to my drive.

  4. Nedra - Mary Lou looks like my kind of gal!! I am heading over there to become a follower and add her to my sidebar!! Thanks for sharing her with us!! Kris

  5. I had no idea it was that bad for some people. That is horrible. She's so talented. I wish her well.
