Friday, May 6, 2011

Rock Garden and Marble Mania

These are the last two quilts I wanted to show you from the Gems of The Desert quilt show.
Again, both are quilted by Cory Allender.
My eye is naturally drawn to Cory's work, and those she collaborates with.

Rock Garden pieced by Patti Van Oordt
Pattern from the book Fresh Cut Flowers by Lis Schwartz and Stephen Seifert.
(I found the book for a reasonable price on

Patti did an absolutely amazing job on this quilt!

Patti wrote "This is the most time consuming quilt I've ever pieced, and Cory spent an equal amount of time quilting, painting, embellishing and generally doing her thing."

I really was speechless as I stood and gazed at this quilt.

Bravo, ladies!

Marble Mania by Georgette Kent

Quilted by Cory Allender

I thought Georgette did a wonderful job in fabric selection on this quilt.

The dark background makes the Octagons look as if they are floating in outer space.

Pattern: Paperweights by Aardvark Quilts
Georgette wrote that she loves glass paperweights and marbles, so she named the quilt Marble Mania. "After I started the quilt I wondered if I had 'lost my marbles' because of all of the edges, except the outsides of the octagons are bias!"

The Dixie Quilt Guild really put on a wonderful show. I'm looking forward to seeing what stunning quilts the members will create in the next two years.


  1. What amazing quilts - fantastic use of colour and design. Lucky you to see them close up...

  2. love those octagons! i'm partial to brights really, having kids and all. lovely quilts you've been sharing! have a great friday!

  3. Both of these quilts get a WOW! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Just amazing - so glad you've shared with us. :) These online "field trips" really helped while I was suffering through my term paper!

  5. Amazing and wonderful. My poor brain would never be able to figure out how to make these...Beautiful.

  6. Beautiful vibrant and stunning..
    Julia ♥

  7. Dixie gals never disappoint. I love seeing projects from them.
