Sunday, April 3, 2011

Little Starbursts Dishcloths

This weekend was the April 2011 General Conference from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I aways love these special weekends that come twice a year. It allows us time to stay in the comfort of our homes and watch church on T.V. I always like to keep busy with handwork while I listen to the sessions that provide both inspiration and instruction from our leaders.

Today I worked on Little Starbursts Dishcloths, with a free tutorial by Sarah C. of Blooming Patterns.

I've never crocheted a dishcloth before. I've received them as gifts and loved using them so much I wanted to make a few for myself and for my children.

I used a 100% cotton super soft yarn called I Love This Cotton

(photo by Lennie Mahler/ Deseret News)

Over 100,000 people attend General Conference in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah, and millions of people ( like myself) from 80 different nations listen on T.V. or satellite.

I always come away uplifted, and find comfort in the words from these great men and women. They teach and motivate us to "try and do as the Savior would have us do."

I appreciated the update from Bishop H. David Burton, who has been highly involved in the Welfare and Humanitarian Service of the LDS Church.

He spoke of the worldwide needs, and addressed the church's current work in Japan, adding "We honor those who, in our day, reach out in countless and often silent ways to be kind to the poor, clothe the naked, minister to the sick and visit the captive."

I will continue to make more of these little dishcloths, and donate them here within my community.


  1. What a nice dish cloth. I love the handmade cloths and since I don't do much crocheting, I bought some from a woman who makes them here in my little city.

    Glad you enjoyed your day, watching church on television and doing some handwork, for charity even.

    Have a wonderful week!

  2. How nice to be able to watch the church service and also work on something at the same time. The dish cloths look wonderful - great texture.

  3. Love these dishcloths. I'll have to make some up for VT gifts. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Love those dishcloths...I am going to have to learn to make those one of these days!

  5. I just love these cloths - nicest pattern I have seen!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  6. They are looking great and useful too. I knitted some last year for gifts - Enjoy your productive weekend - Hugs Nat

  7. I have to admire your dishcloths because if I made them, I'm not sure I could bear to use them. It sounds like you've had a wonderful time making them and listening to the church service at the same time.

  8. I love Gen Conf weekend too! We always go to my brother's ranch (where I also have a cabin) and watch it projected on a huge wall about 15-feet wide. This time we had my brother and all of his family, my parents, another brother and his wife and one daughter, my sister's daughter and granddaughter, and me. Plus 12 new piglets, 3 new lambs, about 35 new calves, and two dogs.

    Crocheting the dishcloths was a great idea. I was able to do a lot of cross stitching while enjoying conference.

  9. I love a handmade dishcloth!

    Your weekend sounds wonderful! I wish we had something like that because a church service while working on something crafty sounds just about perfect!

    Jennifer :)

  10. Nedra, such a great message from your weekend of Church inspiration. I want to do so much more on giving end.

    Another tutorial I had to go to and copy the tutorial and put in my to do folder.

  11. Love the dish cloth. I realized I should be bearing testimony in small simple ways, more often, like this.
