Monday, January 3, 2011


We woke early this morning to snow!
So unusual for the desert here in St. George.
Still in my robe and slippers, out I headed with camera in hand to capture the magic of the landscape.
I love the quiet that comes in the early hours.
Our Ocotillo stands stalwart against the flakes of white falling against a still dark sky.

The red, red rocks glisten.
Because of recent cold temperatures Mr. Cactus opted to leave the Christmas lights on the cacti to keep them warm during the night.
Some Agave glow red...

Others green.
Our Argintine Suguaro appears almost unrecognizable, as if coated in frosting.

In comparison, it's hard to imagine that in a few short months these barrels will be blooming in bright white flowers.
Bunny Ears look shivery and cold

And the palm trees sag unusually low with the weight of the snow.

A winter wonderland.


  1. Those are some pretty magical pictures you have there Nedra! It's not often we get to see snow and Christmas lights all over cactus! What a treat for you, I'm sure!


  2. Beautiful photos. It seems the snow has gone everywhere except my house. I'm ok with that!

  3. Awesome pictures. Thanks for sharing with the blogging world. BTW I love cactus and the ligts in them are just great.

  4. how wonderful the plants look with snow and lights. We have not had any snow in my area of Arkansas this winter - maybe later in the month.

  5. That is beautiful. So so pretty. I will miss you being in St. George so much but you are on to bigger and better things I know. Good will come of this.

  6. Lovely pictures... almost look like a coral reef....

  7. Unusual indeed to get snow in St. George. It sure is beautiful though.

  8. Nedra,

    Those pictures are beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Nedra - It was fun to wake up to the snow (me being a Colorado gal) and your yard truly looks like a winter wonderland!! Kris

  10. Oh I LOVE the lights on the cacti! So PRETTY, especially against the snowy backdrop.

  11. Those are the most amazing pictures!

  12. These are beautiful pictures, Nedra! I love seeing snow in the desert. The cacti with Christmas lights look so cool. You're a great photographer!

  13. My husband would be drooling at your beautiful night skies - they look so beautiful and dark- We live in a large city so the sky is never that black - You have to drive a few hours to get away from the lights..
    The cacti have such beautiful flowers- I had not seem them in flower before-
    We have a winter wonderland too but it is covered in large snow drifts and piles of snow as it often is here in Western Canada at this time of year.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Warmest regards,

  14. Your pictures are great! Living in northern Vermont, I am very used to seeing snow but WOW!! I love the snow covered cactus pics. You will have to bring those out again in the middle of the summer to cool us all off.

  15. Nedra, the desert is so pretty with Christmas lights and snow. Looks beautiful, I hope your cactus are OK, the lights might have helped them stay warm.

  16. How amazing all the plants look in the photos and enjoy the snow, it looks so lovely.

  17. What incredible photos, really great.

  18. Wow, very unusual cacti you're sporting out there, light up at night and everything :) Thanks for sharing!

  19. Your pictures are beautiful. The unusual look of the snow with the desert plants adds to the beauty I think. Along with the lights.

  20. Love your photos, they are so pretty. Hope you enjoy the snow.

  21. There are lots of snow photos on blogs, but your pictures were the most unique. Thanks for showing us what snow looks like in the desert. Take care!

  22. Amazing pictures Nedra. I've not had the pleasure of seeing these beautiful cactus in bloom and certainly not with snow on them. Thank you for sharing the beauty.

  23. What an amazing site - snow on cactus. I didn't know that ever happened.

    I think the cactus covered in lights are really beautiful. I doubt I'd ever thought to have done that.

    Happy New Year!

  24. Beautiful - but not good! I hope your palm trees don't turn all brown! Some of the palms down here are brown just from the cold - didn't even get a flake of snow!

  25. Goodness me you are having what we should be having way up North in Canada...we have a dusting. Sew I take it this is uncommon for you. It does seem like a lot..your photos are delightful. good eye for sure.

  26. Wow, what terrific images! Thank you so much for sharing.

  27. The pics are really magical! Loved them all!

  28. Amazing pictures! The first few remind me of an aquarium.

    Palm trees and cacti are not supposed to have snow on them,
