Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Diva Show and Tell

During our Dixie Diva Christmas party, a few brought Show and Tell.

Pat Peters, the QUEEN of applique has been working on Baltimore Christmas. Knowing that Pat is such a prolific appliquer, we teased and asked when she started this project. Last week?

Baltimore Christmas is a P3 Design by Pearl P. Pereira
Amazing! Pat always does such beautiful work.
The pattern can also be found on Amazon.com

Eventually, Baltimore Christmas will grow up to look like this.

Ricci finished her Mumbo Gumbo. Yay!!

Mumbo Gumbo by Pie In The Sky Designs

Ricci has been one busy quilter. She just finished this cute Dr. Suess quilt.

Let's Party is a free pattern by Robert Kaufman Fabrics.

And Bev has been making more fabric bowls from the book It's A Wrap

Thank you Bev for hosting our Christmas Party this year!
One of the most wonderful blessings of my life is being part of the Dixie Divas.


  1. I love the Santa on the Baltimore-quilt! And of course the Mumbo Jumbo, I really must make one. I will set a goal - within June 2011 i will make one :o) It looks so fun.
    Have a lovely x-mas Nedra, and thanks for hosting Star Crazy, its been really fun! I will finish it in January.

  2. Oh my goodness, but that applique is amazing!!! All are beautiful and made by wonderfully talented gals.

  3. OH WOW! That Santa quilt is absolutely unbelieveable! Should I order the pattern? Will I ever make it? How about fused! lol


  4. How fun to have such talented good friends! I bet its a joy to always get together to see what each other has made! Merry Christmas!

  5. wonderful, wonderful quilts - thanks for sharing - love that santa.

  6. Nedra,
    I don't know what to say about the Santa Baltimore quilt - it is beyond astonishing whatever that place is- I am not an applique quilter but I sure do admire other people who are- It is funny how different techniques appeal to different people.
    Mumbo gumbo is one of my favorite patterns- I have it on my pile of favorite patterns to do- the pile seems to get higher and deeper each year. One day I am going to make that quilt-- it is such a charming design.
    Thanks for sharing the beautiful quilts- they really are lovely.
    Warmest regards,
