Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mexican Mural

You will find themes from Mexico in many of Pam Holland's work.

On a recent trip, she walked the streets of San Miguel Allende, and took pictures of the magnificent murals.
Challenge Block #8 Mexican Mural was taken from a photo transferred on fabric, and then painted with thread.

You can read more about Pam's techniques and vision on her blog post 1/16/2010.

As a first step, Pam printed her photo on an inkjet printable fabric.
Look at the intricate stitching in her thread painting!

The background is zig zagged and the rest is straight stitched.
Remember I mentioned how she likes the back of her quilts to look as nice as the front?

By viewing the backs, you can see her stitching techniques in a little more detail.
She wrote "I'm governing the length by the speed as I move the fabric and the pressure on the pedal. The feed dogs are up."
One morning in class, Pam demonstrated how to do the free form zig zag stitch on a home machine.
When she is at home in her studio in Australia, would you believe that Pam does all of her work on a domestic machine?


  1. wow Nedra...her thread work is amazing. I love to do free form stitching although i havn't done it in a while....

  2. Pam's stitching is amazing! She is just brilliant!

  3. Great post, loved reading it. From watching a DVD on a project of Pam's, it gave me permission to try some quilting with the feed dogs up.
