Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mexican Man

Pam Holland travels the world as a teacher. Camera in hand, she finds inspiration for quilts in every culture.
Mexican Man (6"x6") is Challenge Block #3 from her Design Is In The Details.
The goal is to design 52 weekly blocks, or small quilts that will eventually be shown in an exhibition.
Pam started with a picture she took on a recent trip to Mexico.

The image is applique done in pigma ink on a pieced background.
For me, the detailed quilting with lines 1/16th of an inch apart drew me in as much as the figure.
Each rectangle is quilted differently in the background to give texture.
"I wanted the direction of the quilting to illustrate the picture as well." she wrote.
Watching Pam photograph and seeing her quilts has completely changed my perspective in quilting. I'm excited to get my camera out and see the world through a new lens.


  1. How neat. Is the man pieced? OR printed on fabric?

  2. Nedra, this piece is exceptional! I can't wait to see this exhibit (when it is finished). But I also want to see each piece as it progresses (can't wait till the collection is finished). This will be a spectacular exhibit!


  3. simply unbelievable. I am amazed. I've always wanted to create my childhood home in quilt form. This is intriguing.
