Friday, May 21, 2010

Gems of The Desert

I belong to the Dixie Quilt Guild here in St. George, Utah. Our Opportunity Quilt Gems of The Desert is finished, and raffle tickets are currently being sold.
This quilt was made for our 3rd Biannual Quilt and Fiber Arts Show that will be held at The Dixie Center here in St. George on April 22-23, 2011.
Mark you calendars now, because this is going to be a great event!

Our guild members were asked to make a 12 1/2" (unfinished) block in a Southwest theme. Pat Peters was in charge of gathering the blocks and piecing the quilt. Cory Allender did the beautiful long arm quilting. We have a lot of National award winners and extremely talented people who participated in making Gems of The Desert.
As you can see, this is an outstanding quilt.
If you are interested in purchasing raffle tickets ($1 each/ or 6 for $5), contact me at The drawing will be at the end of the show on April 23rd.
*St. George is located in the Southwest corner of Utah and is 120 miles north of Las Vegas. We are just 40 miles from Zion National Park.