Monday, April 5, 2010

Dixie Quilt Guild Challenge

On Saturday the Dixie Quilt Guild met for the April Meeting. This month for our program we held our Annual Guild Challenge.

The rules for this Challenge were fairly simple. The Theme was "Play On Words". We could interpret the theme in any manner: a quilt, wall hanging, wearable, etc. There were no size or any other restrictions.

Wonderful prizes are awarded. Heather Purcell (Mother Superior) generously donated books and Scrap Apple Quilts donated a fat quarter for all 28 participants.
The top 3 winners took home cash prizes.
Coming up with a play on words was a lot of fun. The quilts were labeled with names like "It's a Jungle Out There!", "Great Balls of Fire", "Bear With Me", and "Stimulus Package" to name a few.

Annie Unrein has been working for months as Chairhead did a great job organizing the challenge.
Her friendship group The Binding Friends (Draza Esplin, Ginny Affleck and Joann Laub and Pati Beck) were very involved in planning and organizing, too.
From advertising, distributing ballot forms, to hanging the quilts, the Challenge was well organized and we had great participation from our guild members.
We all had an opportunity to vote for our favorite quilt.

After the voting came the big reveal. Each participant stood by their quilt and explained the reason behind the name or "Play On Words".
(Sorry I didn't get an up close picture of winner # 2 to Janey Argyle for "Fruit of the Loom. It's the quilt hanging directly behind Annie)

Prize winner # 3 "Flower Child" by Pati Beck. Pati is the mother of a large family, and grandmother to many. Each flower represents the love she feels for her posterity.
Pati bought a computer software program (Kaleidoscope Kreator) that enabled her to make flowers out of each of her grand children's and great grand children's photos. She included each of those as a flower on her quilt.

Winner #1 "Boot Camp" by Judie Weiss.
Judi said she found the inspiration for this quilt in a Tandy Leather Catalog.

Judie loves to do copper work in many of her quilts. She joked about how many sewing machines she has gone through after sewing with copper.

Beautiful 3-D flowers on the boots.
A very fun quilt day. Thank to Annie, the winners, and all those who participated for another great Challenge in our guild.
You can view more information on the Dixie Quilt Guild's web site.


  1. What a fun challenge. Love the quilts.

  2. Even though the boots are not my style I was pretty wowed by them. I think Utah has the world's best quilters.

  3. what amazing quilts! i love the challenge idea "play on words". it looks like it really inspired some creative ideas.
