Friday, February 5, 2010

Candy Land

Do remember the board game Candy Land?

I brought this as a present for my grandson Isaak. It's a perfect game for a 4 year old as they are learning colors and counting. The game is quick moving and simple enough to keep a pre-schooler's attention.
Such a trip down Memory Lane, as I used to play this with my children. Could this game be considered a "vintage" item now?
Isaak loved playing with his mom and Aunt Aubrey.

The goal is to be the first one to reach Kandy King.
What child doesn't love candy?

Isaak won just about every game, and we played our best!

The only thing more fun than Candy Land is playing with mommy, brother Noah, and baby sister Kayla.

And being tickled by dad!


  1. I love Candy Land! Good games never go out of "style" what a beautiful family, keep having fun! the baby is getting bigger already!

  2. I was so sad when my youngest niece was too old to play this game. I loved it as well.

  3. I remember well playing's a favorite I tell you. The baby girl is really growing and the family is absolutely adorable.

  4. I am a Candy Land pro these days. :0

  5. What a beautiful family you have. My granddaughter (who is 4) also loves Candy Land and I enjoy playing it with her.
