Friday, January 1, 2010

Wool Pomander

I think it's only appropriate that on this first day of the New Year while watching the Rose Parade and the Tournament of Roses, I should work on this wool felted pomander.

Doesn't this look like the roses are in bloom?
Betz White is the designer and she offers a wonderful tutorial on her blog.

A few days ago Nan of Pots and Pins showed us another Betz tutorial... which led me to what I think is going to become a love affair with all things Betz White. Thanks for the lead Nan!

I have stacks and stacks of wool that I have previously hand dyed. Drawers and cupboards full. I think it's time to bring some out and play.

The pomander is very easy to make. The roses are made with 3" circles of wool that are cut into a spiral, rolled, and then glued to a Styrofoam ball.

Small wool leaves are set in between the roses.

Pearlized Head straight pins not only add decoration, but help keep the roses in place.

Anybody want to come to my house and play?


  1. I'm fond of roses and wool so this project makes me want to make one. I don't have a very big variety of wool colors but, I'll have to keep an eye out for wool so I can buy more.Thanks for sharing this great idea.

  2. How beautiful! I always love the things you do. You do as much as I think about. I am going to have to take lessons!

  3. This is absolutely gorgeous...and the perfect project for today! I'm almost done taking down Christmas decorations...then I can sew!

  4. Nedra - very cool links and projects. I have a customer I am teaching a TM class for, that focuses on "primitive" fabrics, but has tons of wools. I may give it a try. Mary in MA

  5. Boy are those roses lovely, especially since we are experiencing snow today. Love them.

  6. So pretty! I have seen the tutorial but don't have any wool felt. Someday...

  7. I'd definitely come to play if you lived closer. I saw those on Betz's site and loved them and would have made them but for the lack of wool. You did a lovely job of them.

  8. Well I'm one of the lucky ones that DOES get to come to your house and play. Love this wool idea.

  9. This is so much fun! I want to make some of those roses for hair clips for my girls. Thanks for the link!

  10. Yes please...I'd love to come to your house for the fun of it! Making pomanders, seeing your creations, being where the temp is balmy...all sounds heavenly! I'm in SLC and it's freezing! Here to see Baby Max - just a quick trip though, I'll be back home in the rain by Saturday!
