Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Kind of Guy

Any body else out there feeling a little stressed? With 13 people staying at our house as of tomorrow, I still have cleaning to do, baking, sewing, and a list a mile long. On top of that, we're dealing with a grumpy teenager, which makes for a grumpy mom.
What to do? Mr. Cactus to the rescue. (After 30 + years of marriage, he's catching on).

For today, Mr. Cactus became Mr. Clean.


  1. I mean "may". Blogger really needs spell check in the comment section!!!

  2. How fun that he agreed to having his picture taken! Isn't it nice when husbands step in and help when needed?!

  3. Bless him and every other husband that pitches in when the stress peaks. He is a good husband!!

  4. Yay for Mr. Cactus! Have a Merry Christmas!

  5. I'm more impressed he let you take his picture! Glad you found some help. Better than anything under the tree.

  6. What a guy! I've got a great hubby, too. We're very lucky.

  7. Nedra - after only talking to Kent on the phone - love the picture - great to put a face to a voice. Can he make a quick trip to Massachusetts for more cleaning? Mary in MA (Texture Magic Rep in MA)

  8. ...HA...maybe Mr. Brown Dirt has been talking with Mr. Cactus...???

  9. What a sweet husband you have! Hope you have a Merry Christmas and enjoy your time with your company.

  10. What a great guy! Merry Christmas!
