Tuesday, November 24, 2009

No Baby Yet, But Almost

I drove to Phoenix today. No baby yet but almost.
I was greeted at the door by my two grandsons who jumped in my arms and clung to me. I told my daughter that I didn't even need to come into the house. I would be happy just to stay on the step and hold those two little boys for hours.
I will be here for at least a week, and I plan on smooshing their little faces off.

My daughter has always felt very strongly about having a natural experience when she delivers her children. She has tried everything under the sun the last week to get this little one to come on her own.
Amy's doctor encouraged her to come in tonight to be induced. Guess what time her appointment is?

"3 a.m."
Huh? My guess it has something to do with the fact that the doctors and nurses want to be home with their families by Thursday afternoon for Thanksgiving dinner.
Can't say as I blame them. And I guess it's normal for them to deliver babies during the middle of the night.
But to schedule 3 a.m.??
Putting things in perspective, as long as mom and baby are healthy, the other details really don't matter that much.


  1. I wish you and your family all the best! Best of luck!

  2. Those little guys are the cutest ever!!! There is nothing better than being a grandma. I can't wait for the baby news! Enjoy your time in Arizona. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Gorgeous genes must run in your family line! 3am sure is weird. We don't celebrate it but Happy Thanksgiving from Tokyo!

  4. Those boys are gorgeous. Hope all goes well with the birth. As a midwife I have never heard of an induction at 3am! Maybe it has something to do with the hormone levels at that hour.

  5. Oh waht precious little guys!!!!!I wish your dauaghter all the blessings of a peaceful birth.Will be waiting for your post.Happy Thanksgiving.Hugs, Marie

  6. Look at those sweet little faces. Yes, if I were you, I'd spend my time hugging and kissing and spoiling them rotten, too. I pray that everything goes well with the delivery of the new little one. What a special Thanksgiving blessing.

  7. Congratulations on the upcoming arrival of a new little one. Hope things go well. My friend is wanting to do a design board. Can she contact your friend and if so, how. My email is meatsmj@aol.com. THanks so much. Happy Thanksgiving.

  8. Good luck to your daughter and her family! I hope her induction and delivery go easily and you are all holding a beautiful new life very soon!

  9. I've been wondering if baby had come yet. Have a wonderful time with those lil' cuties!

  10. Hey Nedra! I'm in Phoenix also!at my daughter's, but I'm on the other end of the baby thing than you...I just found out my daughter IS pregnant!!!oooohhh we are so very excited as this is our first. Since her name is Nancy, the teenage brother is calling her Preg Nancy!:) Give my best to your daughter. Happy Thanksgiving too!

  11. Fun times to spend with your family. When I had my daughter I was scheduled for midnight but they didn't actually start me till 3am. She came at 10am. Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  12. What a wonderful family, boy do the boys look like their Mommy, and Mommy is beautiful. I would never let go of those little ones either. Have a wonderful Holiday

  13. Congradulations for the new one coming. I feel for the mother, I was big bellied once. I have 10 grandchildren and 4 grown children. Most of my granBabies are 3-6 hrs away. My new baby is already 4 months old, they grow so fast. Enjoy all of them they Holiday Season. The are only young once.
    Tish in Vanc, WA

  14. Have a wonderful time with the grandkids, all the best for your daughter, soon you'll be cuddling a baby.
